In her series, Strange New World (2018), Rossanne Pellegrino explores the process of human memory and false memory recall through embroidery on photography. In particular, Pellegrino looks at the way in which our recollections of moments are ever-changing and influenced by many factors including culture, age, the power of suggestion and the passing of time.
Pellegrino adorns her photographs with embroidered colour, pattern and abstract shapes; physical interventions that reinvent the histories of these images and highlight the malleability of our memories.
They are also given titles - some based on truth or complete fiction- as well as grouped together at random, giving her photographs new meaning and further demonstrating the pliability or our memories, leading to false memory recall.
These pieces were part of Pellegrino’s exhibition at Brunswick Street Gallery (Melbourne, Australia) in 2018. Her title piece, ‘Strange New World’ was also part of the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2018 and a selection of images from this series was exhibited at Tate Modern in 2019.
All pieces are available to purchase (except for ‘Strange New World’ as all 10 editions now SOLD OUT).